
Your Time Matters: Together We Create a Thriving School Community. Sign Up for Volunteer Opportunities Below

NOVEMBER 20, 2024

Be a hero! Find a Sponsor

Our 15th Annual Holiday Carnival is coming in HOT, and we're looking for heroes! This is our biggest fundraiser of the year, so flex your connections, hit the pavement, and bring in a business (or a few) that wants to shine. Join the Sponsorship Squad if you want to help us solicit local businesses. Or, throw on your philanthropy cape and become a family sponsor—the perks are pretty great! Becoming a sponsor means being a beacon of learning and legacy in our community of dedicated, engaged families and your support doesn’t just fund rides and attractions—it builds a brighter future for our kids. Let’s make magic happen and ensure this year’s Carnival is the best and biggest yet!

The PTA is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit


Donations are Tax-Deductible

The PTA is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit . Donations are Tax-Deductible

Monthly Carline Helpers

Get Ready for the


November 20th, 2024

Our biggest fundraiser of the year kicks off the holiday season by transforming the school into a nighttime wonderland filled with rides, games, crafts, and endless fun for the kids and their families. This magical event is not to be missed! We’ll soon begin calling on volunteers to help find sponsors, run activities, and make this year’s carnival even more special. Stay tuned!

Step into 

Ready to make a lasting impact on our school community? Step into a leadership role with the Paddington British School PTA! By taking on an open position, you'll have the opportunity to shape the future of our school, support our students and teachers, and help create a vibrant, connected community. To get started, login, join the PTA, and Sign Up for Committees

Special Committees

Teacher Appreciation Committee

Room Parents Committee

Carnival Committee

Book Fair Committee

Spirit Week Committee

Budget Committee

Bylaws Committee

Muffins with Moms

Donuts with Dads Committee

Social Nights Committee

Pumpkin Patch Committee

Become a Room Parent!

Captain Your Classroom

Take on a meaningful role as a Room Parent! Coordinate classroom parties, communicate with parents, and serve as the PTA’s voice for important events and fundraisers. You'll also help celebrate and show appreciation for your classroom’s teachers. It’s a rewarding way to make a direct impact on your child’s school experience.